Just Make

In 2017, around the same time that I made the move to Germany, I had a realisation and change in mindset. At this time some friends and colleagues had formed a creative work group. Every one or two weeks we would gather, and be met with a seemingly random brief. Sometimes it was as simple as one word; ‘Perspective’, a theme; ‘Black and White’ or a task to create a fictional album. The brief actually wasn’t important at all. 

It was what it inspired. 

It was a chance for a group of Directors, Cinematographers, Designers, Developers, Musicians, Artists, Writers and Producers to get out of their own practice and try something different. We were able to change up the status quo, experience each other’s works, and ultimately understand each other better. We compared our work, discussed ideas and opened each other up to different possibilities and creative avenues that would have otherwise been missed. Most importantly though it was an opportunity to create. 

To just make. 

In the creative industry (or even in this age of social media) it can be a little too easy to find excuses not to make something. You might find yourself comparing to other designers and thinking, I can’t come up with something like that, or another photographer and thinking ‘I don’t have an eye like that’. But sometimes you just need to make something. The first time might not be the best, but making something and sharing it inevitably ends up with the next try being a vast improvement. Half formed ideas can grow and develop and can be built into something bigger and better.

Stop worrying about the first step. It’s more about building momentum. Sometimes we need that reminder - to just try something. Cook a new recipe, paint a picture, take a photo, make a new playlist - whatever it is to keep you moving. Go out there and just make. 


Reflections: Two years in Berlin


Expat Filmmakers in Berlin